Separately Managed Crypto & Digital Asset Strategies

FDcrypto's actively managed account is designed for investors seeking access to digital asset strategies without lock-ups or loss of control. Investors can access FDcrypto's digital asset investment model directly from their custodial account.

Blockchain Technology & Innovation Actively Managed Strategy

FDcrypto’s investment strategy focuses on digital assets and cryptocurrencies that FDcrypto expects to be the leaders, enablers, and beneficiaries of blockchain and distributed ledger technology.

This strategy seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing in a broad range of blockchain technologies contributing to the growth of the asset class, such as blockchain protocols, cross-chain solutions, and service providers. FDcrypto’s actively managed strategy aims to provide long-term capital growth with low correlation to traditional markets.

Advantages of Digital Asset Actively Managed Accounts

Ownership & Control

Assets are held in a US-regulated custodial account in your name, so you always have full ownership.*

Institutional Security

Assets are protected by institutional security and kept with a US-regulated custodian.

24/7 Liquidity

Assets can be withdrawal from the managed account at any time and without penalty.*


Choose the strategy, or mix of strategies, that is best aligned with your portfolio objectives.

Tax Efficient

Utilize tax-minimizing strategies such as tax-loss harvesting or funding with assets in kind.

Professional Analysis

Each investment portfolio is managed by professional traders experienced in digital asset investing.

For Financial Advisors

Blockchain technology and digital assets have the potential to be a source of long-term growth that is uncorrelated to broad benchmarks. We believe financial advisors should have the opportunity to provide investors with professionally managed exposure to this new asset class.

› Portfolio Diversification

› Long-Term Risk-Reward

› Source for Growth

* Subject to requirements or constraints of custodian.